Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Scavenger Hunt #1

Find the following items:

Item 1: Something old
Item 2: Something living
Item 3: Something red
Item 4: Something that starts with "L"
Item 5: Something square

Bonus Item: Something that moves

You have 45 minutes to complete your task. You must stay on your block. Remember that you have 20 available pictures -- it might be a good idea to take more than one picture of each item in case the first one doesn't come out. Be creative - and most of all - have fun.
Item 1: Something old.
Item 2: Something living. There's a (living) squirrel going up that (living) tree right next to the FEMA trailer. If you look closely - you can see him on the right side of the tree.
Item 3: Something red
Item 4: Something that starts with "L"
Item 5: Something square.
Bonus Item: Something that moves
Item 2: Trees are living things, yes.. But this is actually a picture of a Blue Jay. George: "You may not be able to see him, but there's a little blue blob in the very center of the picture. I need a camera that can zoom in."
George: "This was actually a picture I took by mistake -- but I like it and want to keep it anyway."

Monday, June 05, 2006

Take your cameras and go!

Today was the first trip out with cameras. The assignment: go out, have fun, take pictures.